Sander Potjer

10 years ago I just finished my high school and was enjoying a long summer break before the start of my study architecture. During that summer I was playing around with Mambo to create a website for my rowing team. Around the time I finished that website the Joomla project started and quickly transformed the website to Joomla. At that time I could never imagine that Joomla had such a fantastic global community and that it even would become my profession. 

Here we are, 10 years later, thankful for all the great experiences, for all the great people that I’ve met at Joomla events and online, for getting to know other cultures, and for the powerful software created by volunteers that allows me to built great websites and my business. Thank you Joomlers! You can be very proud on the 10th birthday of Joomla!

Eric Lamy

And Happy Birthday Joomlers !

10 years (9 for me) of sharing, enthusiasm and happiness.
10 years of an outstanding community where each can give or take, share or learn.
10 years of meetings, events, communion.
I wish to Joomla! and to the whole community to live another 10 years more with same shared love as on the first 10 years.

#jcommunity #jpositive

Pablo Pantoja

Thanks to embark on this wonderful adventure that in these first 10 years have made an impact at all levels in the lives of many people around the world. I've been working for 10 years, building and making history thanks to your work. My family and my team will be forever grateful, and look forward to contributing our grain of sand on the road. Best wishes from Cali - Colombia

fum   yoshino

Joomla に出会って、ビジネスが広がりました。

oomla の良さをみんなに広げています。

素晴らしいCMS に感謝します。

ありがとう JOOMLA


吉田憲人(Norito H.Yoshida)

2005年に初めてJoomla 1.0をダウンロードしてサーバーにインストールした。出来上がったサイトに驚いた。IBM Home Page Builderソフトで作ったホームページが酷く情けなく見えた。システムで作られたサイトがどんなに快適なサイトであるかがJoomlaで分かった。それ以来、Joomla Loverになり、Joomlaを使って起業してしまった。Joomlaは私の人生を変えしまったCMSである。Happy Birthday Joomla, 10 Years Old!
